This year's book from the Swedish Society for Nature Conservation, Wetlands. A deep dive into shallow waters, is about the beautiful and important wetlands. Through biologist and journalist Anna Froster's well-formulated and vivid narrative texts, we get to meet experts and enthusiasts, and follow them out to different wetland areas. Froster has done a solid job with the book, and the reader really gets to know wetlands and how our relationship with them has changed throughout history. We learn about all the species that depend on healthy wetlands, and how these areas help us by providing cleaner water and protection against floods. The right kind of wetlands also store carbon, and are therefore important in the fight against climate change. Froster talks about how the historical draining of wetlands to make more land for farming has increased carbon dioxide emissions, destroyed the habitats of many species, and deteriorated water quality. But she also conveys hope that it is possible to recreate wetlands and reverse the trend. The texts are accompanied by lots of lovely and atmospheric photographs taken by Roine Magnusson and Patrik Larsson. The book ends with a short summary about wetlands. There is also an extensive list of sources at the back.
All the pictures in the book are photographed with a so-called photo mast, here I am standing outside in Sjaunja with my camera on the photo mast to get a better perspective of the landscape and the environment.
Picture from Komosse