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Calm nature "book in Swedish"

Roine Magnusson

Regular price 230 SEK
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Do you live stressfully on a daily basis?

Are you longing to be more present in your own life? Do you want to find focus and existential footing?

In Lugn av naturen, the authors Åsa and Mats Ottosson talk about why stays in nature help with stress, what mindfulness has to do with nature and how the body and mind are affected by birdsong, wind and greenery. You meet people who use nature to maintain balance in everyday life and learn how science explains that it works. In addition, there are simple exercises for your own relaxation and mind training in several of the chapters.

The book is richly illustrated by photographer Roine Magnusson. The pictures act as clearings in the book where you can stop and rest for a while.